Did you know that one of Bentley's favourite motifs was lion heads? It was because of his devotion to St Mark's, Venice. You'll see some nice lions in the ceiling area of the Cathedral Hall - all different. But they also pop up in unexpected places - like this one lurking on the Cathedral roof (the pigeon has just spotted it too). As you can see the snow has vanished. It's still blocking roads in Devon, but the blanket covering of the Cathedral has disappeared. No - I didn't take any snaps. But if anyone did, please send me your pics and I'll throw them up here.
Hmmm, Nice lion, makes a change from gargoyles. Nice patch of crumbling brickwork too. Clearly when the building was cleaned it has been so thorough it has removed the firing skin from the surface of the bricks. They will all now have to be cut out and replaced. The longer they are left, the worse they will get and then water will begin to seep through the walls. but perhaps this is all planned as part of the renovation to the domes?
I wonder if we shall have to wait another 3 months for a blog entry. Father, there is a need for more moderate catholic blogs. By not posting more you are allowing the vacuum to be filled by the extreme end of catholic fundamentalist conservatives. I knw you must be very busy but surely one of the interns or lay members of the cathedral staff could post details and photos of the life of the cathedral under your supervision. I would like to see some of the cathedrals varied ceremonies and how the renovations are progressing. Unfortunately as I am now housebound I cannot get to visit the Cathedral anymore.
Good your blog. I appreciate you like A Dream of Red Mansions, it is a book people admire. I am also interested in the Bible, He gave me a lot of inspiration, although a lot of things I do not understand it.
big benny might like to look at my blog as we serve at the cathedral? The organist librarian
Such a beautiful cathedral!
And I was so blessed when I visited it ... a Mass in the Extraordinary Form was about to begin!!! I'll never forget the awesome experience :)
Interested to find this blog. As a Cathedral sacristan from 1962-1972, I have many happy memories. In those days the college of chaplains numbered 26. I was privileged to know many good and zealous priests.
John Sales
Sorry to post this non-sequitur on your blog, I hope your readers will not find this objectionable. My name is Andrew McNabb. I am an American writer and the great grand nephew of the great Dominican priest, Fr. Vincent McNabb (d. 1942: prolific writer, lead speaker for the Catholic Evidence Guild at Hyde Park, Distributist and close friend of Chesterton and Belloc.) I am the author of a short story collection, The Body of This, that many are considering "Catholic" literature. Joseph Pearce, in his cover blurb, describes the book as “as radically transforming as viniculture, transforming the water of everyday experience into the wine of life.” In Standpoint Magazine (July/August,) Piers Paul Read referred to the book as “exquisite.”
The book is noteworthy because, as can be seen in the variety of outlets where it has been reviewed, it has found a home with both a Catholic and a secular audience. There is not much writing these days that can make that claim. Sadly, Catholic or Christian writing has largely been reduced to the syrupy, the sentimental. More about me and the book (with links to reviews—including the review in the current issue of New Blackfriars Review) can be found at http://www.andrew-mcnabb.com/ and, importantly, can be purchased here.
My publisher is small and the promotional budget is modest. Whatever resources the publisher was willing to put toward the book have been expended in the States. I know that the book can find an audience in the U.K. Please help me to spread the word. Thank you! And if you do manage to find the time to post—please include the Amazon U.K. link! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Body-This-Stories-Andrew-McNabb/dp/1934866059/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1246142696&sr=1-1
Many blessings!
For more info about me and The Body of This, please visit http://www.andrew-mcnabb.com/
Dear Father,
Please add our blog to your blogroll.
Following the great blessings that came from the Year for Priests we thought that a Holy Year for Nuns would be a great blessing to the Church. You are very welcome to adopt the idea and we would be very happy if you would promoted it:
God bless you!
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